I'm Kanza.
Glad to see you!

Unlocking the power of technology with an all-encompassing approach - a full-stack developer with a passion for problem-solving and a drive to create seamless user experiences. Bring your project to life! I can help you build a product, feature, or website! My work and experience can be found here! Don't hesitate to reach out.

About Myself

Hello I'm a full-stack developer! I can help you build a product, feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don't hesitate to contact me.

Get my resume
  • Languages
    • CSS CSS
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • MySQL MySQL
    • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
    • Ruby Ruby
  • Frameworks
    • RoR Bootstrap
    • React React
    • Next Next
    • Redux Redux
    • Ruby on Rails RoR
    • Rspec Rspec
  • Skills
    • GitHub GitHub
    • GitLab GitLab
    • Teamwork Teamwork
    • Mentoring Mentoring
    • Analytical Analytical